Best Student Paper Award

Description: This award recognizes the best paper authored primarily by a student and presented by the student at ICMCE 2025.

Eligibility: For university students only, who are the first author of the registered paper. Authors should present the paper at the conference.

Selection Criteria: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field of automation science and engineering, clarity of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.

Award: Following the judging, the winning student will be presented with their award at the conference. The winning student will receive a certificate and free registration for ICMCE 2026.


Best Oral Presentation Award

Description: To encourage authors to present excellent studies at ICMCE 2025, this award recognizes the best oral presentation of each session.

Selection Criteria: Session Chairs evaluate each speaker and determine a winner for the best oral presentation. The main criteria are the scientific quality and originality of the research, plus the quality of the presentation.

Award: The winner of this award is announced at the end of the session and receives a excellent presenter certificate.